One day last week or maybe the week before that, I was viewing my Twitter timeline and I saw a couple of "Artists" promoting their business. I have no issue with that, because that's how a lot of Artists are getting jobs and I believe it's a great avenue when done correctly. What startled me, was the what they were advertising. Some were advertising their Makeup services for $30-$40 per face, some included lashes within that price. The MAC counter charges $50 and that's not including lashes. If you are a freelancer, your prices should be above that. Don't get me wrong, yes we all had to start off somewhere but times are different and so many things have evolved. You should know the market that you are in and what other Artists are charging and keep in mind your experience, when you are setting down a rate for your services.
There will be Artists that won't have a problem telling you what their rate is and others may not be comfortable but it's worth the effort to do the work. You do not want to be the one Artist in your market that is viewed as a bringing the market down because of your pricing. If you want to have specials, awesome but do not bring the rate so far down. You should at least be factoring in your gas and a tip for yourself within your rate. If they're coming to you factor in electricity, lol but you get the point. If you feel that your work is not where it should be in order for you to charge around the rate of what others in your market are charging, then try to work on your craft by volunteering to do those jobs that may not be paying but you are getting experience or assist other Make-up Artists. You can learn so much just by assisting but I have to say that nothing really compares when you are working alone and you're in a situation where you don't have help and you just have to make it "work."
This post isn't to be malicious but it was done to bring awareness. When you are aware of something, you are able to change it. So ask yourself: Am I driving down my Market?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Film vs. Fashion Make-up Artists
Film and Fashion are like apples and oranges. Both inspire women to try something different within their lives and normal makeup routine. But when they collide it's pure magic. But for some strange reason there seems to be some kind of division or some type of "feeling" among Film and Print Make-up Artists'. Of course, this doesn't apply to all artists'.
When I talk to other Make-up Artists and tell them that I'm a Film & T.V. Make-up Artist I get mixed responses. Half are wonderful responses and the other half seem to respond in a way that may leave me feeling like what I do isn't as prestigious as doing Fashion. I've heard, "Oh, I couldn't do film I would be too bored" or they mention something about the craft services or "I couldn't do the same/boring look every day." I'm sure I'm missing some but you get the point.
Film & T.V. Artists may not set the new trends via the runway but they do make a huge contribution to society and everyday women. It was Alberto De Rossi who created Elizabeth Taylor's famous Cleopatra look, which some say was the source of the famous "Twiggy" look. Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball, Audrey Hepburn, and this list also includes the famous Beauties of Old Hollywood like Clara Bow, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, and many more but all of their looks have shaped the way that Fashion & Print Make-up Artists do makeup.
The point of this particular post is to shed a little light and awareness that being a Film & T.V. Make-up Artist is just as fabulous as being a Fashion & Print Make-up Artist. Both sides have their own special set of pros and cons, but neither are superior to the other. I believe that we all are hard-working ROCKSTARS!!! It's not just the famous Special Effects Artsits' that you can learn from, the other artists' have something to offer as well. It doesn't matter what road you choose to go down, there are creative and innovative artists on both sides that inspire each other and the world.
When I talk to other Make-up Artists and tell them that I'm a Film & T.V. Make-up Artist I get mixed responses. Half are wonderful responses and the other half seem to respond in a way that may leave me feeling like what I do isn't as prestigious as doing Fashion. I've heard, "Oh, I couldn't do film I would be too bored" or they mention something about the craft services or "I couldn't do the same/boring look every day." I'm sure I'm missing some but you get the point.
Film & T.V. Artists may not set the new trends via the runway but they do make a huge contribution to society and everyday women. It was Alberto De Rossi who created Elizabeth Taylor's famous Cleopatra look, which some say was the source of the famous "Twiggy" look. Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball, Audrey Hepburn, and this list also includes the famous Beauties of Old Hollywood like Clara Bow, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, and many more but all of their looks have shaped the way that Fashion & Print Make-up Artists do makeup.
The point of this particular post is to shed a little light and awareness that being a Film & T.V. Make-up Artist is just as fabulous as being a Fashion & Print Make-up Artist. Both sides have their own special set of pros and cons, but neither are superior to the other. I believe that we all are hard-working ROCKSTARS!!! It's not just the famous Special Effects Artsits' that you can learn from, the other artists' have something to offer as well. It doesn't matter what road you choose to go down, there are creative and innovative artists on both sides that inspire each other and the world.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Bad Mouthing Other Artists'
Unfortunately, bad mouthing other artists' happens in the Makeup Industry. Heck it happens in all industries. But I'm just going to focus on the industry that I work in. Why is this happening? Is it because of jealousy or has the offended artist been hurt in some way by another artist? The issues and reasons that person may have are endless. There is enough work out there for everybody and there's absolutely no reason to be cut throat, undercut or bash another artist. How do you think the person you are talking to about another artist feels or will look at you? Even though an artist may feel like they are just blowing off steam, they turn out looking foolish themselves.
Is it really worth it? The industry is small and you never know who knows who. Bad mouthing can lead you to loose a job, a potential client, ruin your reputation, and get you blacklisted. If you have to vent, don't do it to another industry insider and definitely not to a client. I know the industry is frustrating at times but we as artists have to uplift and support one another.
“The habit of being uniformly considerate toward others will bring increased happiness to you!"
Is it really worth it? The industry is small and you never know who knows who. Bad mouthing can lead you to loose a job, a potential client, ruin your reputation, and get you blacklisted. If you have to vent, don't do it to another industry insider and definitely not to a client. I know the industry is frustrating at times but we as artists have to uplift and support one another.
“The habit of being uniformly considerate toward others will bring increased happiness to you!"
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I'm a huge advocate of sisterhood, which may sound corny to some people but I'm not concerned with that. When I say sisterhood, I'm speaking in regards to all women and all races. I'm not into tearing other women down or having an opinion about certain women without being able to back it up with facts. It's one thing not to like another woman for something they have personally done to you or someone you love and care about but it's a completely different story to dislike and hate someone because of their success, race, drive in life, I mean the list can go on and on.
When I was growing up I remember when I would be around some of my female friends and we would see a pretty girl and one of the first things that would come out their mouths was "Oh, she thinks she's cute." Me being the rebel that I am, I would always challenge that comment with saying "How do you know what she thinks?" They never had a comeback for it, which always seemed strange to me at the time. I think there should be an accountability for the relationships and people that you come in contact with.
In my line of work, there are some artists who don't or refuse to share information but will always ask for information. I'm not sure why this exist, it could be that they may feel that someone will take the information and dwindle their chances to excel. Who knows? But whatever the reason or feeling is, the bigger question is why is it there? Whatever is meant for you will still be for you. When you put forth the effort to create a genuine connection, have it be personal, business, or both then you should know the person that you're dealing with to some degree. I understand that a lot of artists have been burned by attempting to help others and I completely get it. But what if someone stopped you and your success right before it happened. What if that special someone didn't help you because of all the times that they have been burned?
When I was growing up I remember when I would be around some of my female friends and we would see a pretty girl and one of the first things that would come out their mouths was "Oh, she thinks she's cute." Me being the rebel that I am, I would always challenge that comment with saying "How do you know what she thinks?" They never had a comeback for it, which always seemed strange to me at the time. I think there should be an accountability for the relationships and people that you come in contact with.
In my line of work, there are some artists who don't or refuse to share information but will always ask for information. I'm not sure why this exist, it could be that they may feel that someone will take the information and dwindle their chances to excel. Who knows? But whatever the reason or feeling is, the bigger question is why is it there? Whatever is meant for you will still be for you. When you put forth the effort to create a genuine connection, have it be personal, business, or both then you should know the person that you're dealing with to some degree. I understand that a lot of artists have been burned by attempting to help others and I completely get it. But what if someone stopped you and your success right before it happened. What if that special someone didn't help you because of all the times that they have been burned?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Risk Takers Series #2: Crystal Wright
Crystal Wright has compiled an amazing guide called "Hair, Makeup, & Fashion Styling Career Guide," that benefits newcomers, veterans, and all that are in between. She brought together some of the TOP Hairstylist, Make-up Artists, Fashion Stylist, Photographers, Art Directors, Agencies and so much more to give you direct answers as to how things work. Crystal created a "bible" for the industry that wasn't present before, she saw a need and went above and beyond to fulfill it. Any aspiring artist can pick this guide up and learn about what part of the industry that interest them the most. If you haven't been to a trade show before there are two major shows that benefit Hairstylist and Make-up Artist one is:
The Makeup Show: and the other is
International Make-up Artist Trade Show (IMATS):
You can purchase Crystal Wright's guide there, you can also purchase the guide from several other locations. Here's the link to Crystal's website:
If you don't know the story of how Crystal Wright came to be one of the biggest resources in the industry, you're about to find out. I chose Crystal Wright as my second RISK taker because her story is like so many people out there who are trying to live their dreams but feel that because they have regular 9 to 5 jobs they cannot live out their dreams. After reading her journey I hope it inspires you to take that first step.
Crystal started out as an intern for Xerox Corporation and beat out 50 people for a position within the company at the end of the internship. For 5 years she worked as an account executive for the company. It wasn't until a well known Make-up Artist by the name of Tara Posey asked her to represent her. And the rest is history! The point I want to make here is that even though Crystal had an amazing position at a huge company, she saw a bigger picture for herself and wasn't scared to step out on faith and take a RISK in an area she knew nothing about. But she applied what she knew about business to help her succeed. The foundation of business practices are universal! She took what she learned over the years and adapted those skills to a new industry.
Crystal Wright went on to have her own agency that represented Makeup Artist, Hairstylist, Manicurists, and Fashion Stylist as well as Men's Grooming. She also had a fabulous magazine called 1st Hold, which I can't begin to tell you how much I miss. Crystal is now dedicated to educating artists in the industry. Even though her guide is available, she continues to take it to another level by offering a 2-day workshop called "Build Your Portfolio and Marketing," and if you aren't able to make it to the workshop she has a 1-day dvd collection called "Packaging your Portfolio." Crystal has also created a new program called "30 days at 100 Percent." She is the real deal and if you're serious about getting on track and to learn about the industry and further more about yourself, this is a great starting point.
I've been in this business for over 10 years and I find myself still opening up her guide. Crystal has changed so many lives by creating that guide and she's one of the most forthcoming individuals that I've had the pleasure of meeting. I can't wait to see what she creates next!
To find out more about Crystal Wright and everything she offers please visit:
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Review of Real Steel!!
I'm going to be completely honest about this film. When I saw the previews for this movie, I wasn't super excited to go see it. I really didn't care if I saw it or not. Well, I'm happy that I did because this film really takes you on an emotional roller coaster ride. Remember the 1986 movie Short Circuit "Number 5 is alive", ahhh such a great movie and the second was just as good. Real Steel had the heart of Short Circuit and Robocop! You'll definitely laugh, probably shed a tear, and cheer for the characters and robots of this film. It's worth going to see.
Here's the trailer:
Hugh Jackman plays the lead named Charlie Kenton, a former boxer who went the distance with the #1 contender for the title. Evangeline Lilly and Anthony Mackie star in the film as well but it's Dakota Goyo's performance as Max Kenton that completely steals the movie. The father and son duo will keep you entertained, through their ups and downs throughout the film. Charlie Kenton learns like many parents come to find, the beautiful little life lessons that have been forgotten from their children. You will enjoy it and if you have kids they will enjoy it as well.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Is Your Kit Insured?
When I moved to Louisiana almost about a year ago, one of the first things I did was get Renter's Insurance. I also made sure that my make-up kit would be insured as well under the policy. I've had my car broken into and even stolen in the past and thank the Lord my make-up kit wasn't inside. I always take my kit out of the car no matter how tired I feel, it's just not worth waking up to find it gone in the morning regardless if it's insured or not.
I read the article "The Whole Kit & Kaboodle" in September/October's issue of Make-Up Artist Magazine and was so happy that they highlighted this issue that some Make-up Artists' haven't even thought about getting. A little preparation can go a long way in our industry and also can prevent anger and disappointment. Don't wait to be in a position of saying the would of, could of, should of. You can check with your home owner's insurance and car insurance to see how and what they can cover but also check into some business insurance.
Amy Ward of Award Studio wrote a great article about insurance and I would like to share it with all of you:
I hope that this has shed some light to any of you that may not have thought about this and will take action to insure your business!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Risk Takers Series #1: Kevin Tancharoen
I wanted to write/blog about people that I know personally, or have met in person, and know of through someone else regarding their journeys in business. And how they either became successful or just simply took a chance or I should say took a risk to possibly end up with more than what they ever could have imagined. This will be a series called RISK TAKERS! I hope that you will be able to leave this blog with a feeling of inspiration to take your own risk.
First up is Kevin Tancharoen:
How does the director from "Fame" go on to become the next big thing in Action? Kevin started out as many of you did, a fan of something you admire. He wanted to be taken serious to direct action movies, but wanted to prove that he could shoot action first. There's a big difference in Hollywood, when you direct a movie like "Fame" versus a movie like "The Matrix". He took his passion, $7,500 of his own money and breathed new life into the Mortal Kombat franchise. He created Mortal Kombat Rebirth and made something visual for the world to see. Little did he know, it would turn into a complete world wind of AWESOMENESS! He took a RISK, before the original YouTube posting was taken down it generated over 12 million views on YouTube.
Here's Mortal Kombat Rebirth:
Fans thought that this was a trailer or a sneak peak into the new Mortal Kombat movie but that wasn't the case at all, it was a test shoot to prove he could direct the genre of action. After Mortal Kombat Rebirth, Warner Bros. took notice and they offered him a 9 mini web-series on YouTube. The last episode premiered at Comic-Con, resulting in over 50 million views. If you aren't aware, Comic-Con is HUGE and big freaking deal!!! The biggest part of this amazing story is that Warner Bros has green-lit the Mortal Kombat feature with Kevin directing. Filming will start next year in March.
Here's a trailer that captures all 9 episodes:
Congratulations, Kevin you're an inspiration to us all who have dreams and ambitions! What a difference a RISK makes? Hopefully this will help you move into taking those risks that you are leery of taking, you never know what will come from a chance or better yet a risk.
First up is Kevin Tancharoen:
How does the director from "Fame" go on to become the next big thing in Action? Kevin started out as many of you did, a fan of something you admire. He wanted to be taken serious to direct action movies, but wanted to prove that he could shoot action first. There's a big difference in Hollywood, when you direct a movie like "Fame" versus a movie like "The Matrix". He took his passion, $7,500 of his own money and breathed new life into the Mortal Kombat franchise. He created Mortal Kombat Rebirth and made something visual for the world to see. Little did he know, it would turn into a complete world wind of AWESOMENESS! He took a RISK, before the original YouTube posting was taken down it generated over 12 million views on YouTube.
Here's Mortal Kombat Rebirth:
Fans thought that this was a trailer or a sneak peak into the new Mortal Kombat movie but that wasn't the case at all, it was a test shoot to prove he could direct the genre of action. After Mortal Kombat Rebirth, Warner Bros. took notice and they offered him a 9 mini web-series on YouTube. The last episode premiered at Comic-Con, resulting in over 50 million views. If you aren't aware, Comic-Con is HUGE and big freaking deal!!! The biggest part of this amazing story is that Warner Bros has green-lit the Mortal Kombat feature with Kevin directing. Filming will start next year in March.
Here's a trailer that captures all 9 episodes:
Congratulations, Kevin you're an inspiration to us all who have dreams and ambitions! What a difference a RISK makes? Hopefully this will help you move into taking those risks that you are leery of taking, you never know what will come from a chance or better yet a risk.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Some people know how much of an Action junkie I am and some have no clue, so welcome to my world. My husband and I were talking the other day about how there aren't a lot of American females who are doing action films, not to mention Martial Arts. Yes, we have Mila Jovovich (she's just ok), and we had Angelina Jolie (more of a brawler) for a second, Jennifer Garner, and I will give props to Zoe Saldana for her role in Columbiana. Zoe Bell is an amazing Martial Artist but her background supports her being able to sell a fight and make it believable. She was also Uma Thurman's stunt & fight double for both Kill Bill films.
Hopefully Gina Carano will be the start of the new breed in Haywire. Here's the trailer:
One can always say that, well there are no scripts out there for women to be as great on film like the men are able to. But, we are living in at a time when that doesn't really matter anymore. People of all kinds are making their own exciting demo reels, recreating scenes or creating web series with their own vision on YouTube every day. So there really isn't any excuse, is there?
Here's what a female fight scene should look like, this is Bridget Riley (stunt woman) here's a link to her IMBD
Maybe Amy Johnston will be the future, she's a real Martial Artist, has talent and presence!
Monday, October 3, 2011
There's More to Skin Care than just drinking water!
So you're drinking your recommended daily intake of water, which is what we all should be doing and yes it's extremely important and healthy for your body & skin. But that's only part of it when it comes to skin care. You also need to look for HYDRATING products. Serums, moisturizers, toners (without alcohol), and even cleansers can help you achieve this journey. Using a mask on a weekly basis can also aid in hydrating your skin.
Before you start with a daily routine, you need to clean your skin, wait an hour and analyze your skin. How does it feel? Tight, dry, itchy, normal, oily, soft or hard. Do you have any redness or sensitivity? All of these symptoms should be considered when you are searching for products. If you believe that the products that you are already using at home are not working well for you, then you might just have the wrong products. Bobbi Brown Cosmetics & Bioelements have complete Hydrating Skin Care lines. Of course there are other brands but I will only speak of a couple of brands that I've used professionally and personally.
Here's a little cheat sheet that can help you when choosing products:
*Face Wash: Are detergent type of foaming cleansers that will give you a squeaky clean feeling or leave your skin feeling a little tight. Soap falls under this category as well. People who have oily or combination skin can use these but also be careful because it can lead to extra production of oil.
Examples: Bobbi Brown-Lathering Tube Soap, Bioelements-Flash Foam Cleanser
*Cleansing Lotion: Water-based cleansers for normal to combination skin types, for dry skin use a milky cleanser not to be confused with a cream. Some people like Cetaphil but Philosophy's Purity is better in my opinion.
*Creams: These type of cleansers are oil-based and are great for dry and mature skin. Other skin types can use this formula as well but will probably need to use a lighter formula after to remove residue.
Ex: Bioelements-Moisture Positive Cleanser
What I've listed are the basics but there are also Gels that are oil-based and water-based. Some also turn into a milky cleanser lotion, it just depends on the product and brand. Don't be afraid to try an oil-based cleanser, most are non-penetrating for the skin.
This product is used to restore the pH balance of the skin after cleansing. If you're looking to further hydrate, search for toners that do not have any alcohol content within the product.
Ex: Bobbi Brown-Hydrating , Philosophy-Hope Springs Eternal deep sea ultra-fine hydrating mist, Bioelements-Calmitude Hydrating Solution.
I'm obsessed with serums, they are made up of vitamins, antioxidants, and lipids. Serums have smaller molecules that penetrate deeper into the skin. That's why they are applied before a moisturizer. I like to mix 2-3 different type of serums together or layer them onto the skin. Serums can be used in the day and evening. Bioelements has a wonderful line of different type of serums.
Eye Creams-find a light weight eye cream that can be used in the day and night. For more mature skin, you may want something a little heavier at night only. Remember: hydrating formula!
Most of us use this on a daily basis but what is your current formula like. Is it a hydrating formula? Our skin changes, so what you used 3 years ago may not be the best for what your skin is going through right now or even last season. People with oily skin, yes you need to moisturize as well, if you don't your skin will overcompensate for the lack of hydration and your skin will produce more oil.
*You can find moisturizers that already have an SPF within the formula.
Sunscreens should be used by EVERYONE, and companies have so many different types that aren't heavy, and are oil-free so there's no excuse. I will be writing another blog about this area alone because I am passionate about it. Try using an SPF 15.
Here's a quick recap:
1. Use a cleanser
2. Toner
3. Serum & Eye Cream
4. Moisturizer & Sunscreen
1. EXFOLIATE. I have a Clarisonic brush that is gentle to use on a daily basis but I also have a product exfoliator that I use once a week to give a deeper cleanse but it's gentle.
2. Give yourself a STEAM TREATMENT. Use hot water, pour into a bowl, add 5 to 10 drops of essential oils into the bowl and drape a towel over your head, close your eyes and inhale the vapors. Oils like: Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Myrtle, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Spearmint, Spruce, and Tea Tree are great choices.
3. Use a MASK! A lot of people skip this step at home and this process is so beneficial for your skin. I have two that I alternate and sometimes depending on my skin I may combine. I have a gel hydrating mask and I have a clay based mask. The other great benefit is that you can use serums under your mask. Masks provide benefits like: drawing impurities out of the pores, tighten & toning the skin, HYDRATE, calm, soothe & rejuvenate the skin.
See an Esthetician and/or Dermatologist. Unless you have skin diseases, disorders, and conditions like rosacea, acne, eczema and etc you should always see a Dermatologist. Dermatologist treat disorders and diseases. Those who have acne, rosacea and sensitive skin can benefit from different treatments from an Esthetician. Estheticians see so many different types of skin types that they have a true understanding of how skin types work.
Before you start with a daily routine, you need to clean your skin, wait an hour and analyze your skin. How does it feel? Tight, dry, itchy, normal, oily, soft or hard. Do you have any redness or sensitivity? All of these symptoms should be considered when you are searching for products. If you believe that the products that you are already using at home are not working well for you, then you might just have the wrong products. Bobbi Brown Cosmetics & Bioelements have complete Hydrating Skin Care lines. Of course there are other brands but I will only speak of a couple of brands that I've used professionally and personally.
Here's a little cheat sheet that can help you when choosing products:
*Face Wash: Are detergent type of foaming cleansers that will give you a squeaky clean feeling or leave your skin feeling a little tight. Soap falls under this category as well. People who have oily or combination skin can use these but also be careful because it can lead to extra production of oil.
Examples: Bobbi Brown-Lathering Tube Soap, Bioelements-Flash Foam Cleanser
*Cleansing Lotion: Water-based cleansers for normal to combination skin types, for dry skin use a milky cleanser not to be confused with a cream. Some people like Cetaphil but Philosophy's Purity is better in my opinion.
*Creams: These type of cleansers are oil-based and are great for dry and mature skin. Other skin types can use this formula as well but will probably need to use a lighter formula after to remove residue.
Ex: Bioelements-Moisture Positive Cleanser
What I've listed are the basics but there are also Gels that are oil-based and water-based. Some also turn into a milky cleanser lotion, it just depends on the product and brand. Don't be afraid to try an oil-based cleanser, most are non-penetrating for the skin.
This product is used to restore the pH balance of the skin after cleansing. If you're looking to further hydrate, search for toners that do not have any alcohol content within the product.
Ex: Bobbi Brown-Hydrating , Philosophy-Hope Springs Eternal deep sea ultra-fine hydrating mist, Bioelements-Calmitude Hydrating Solution.
I'm obsessed with serums, they are made up of vitamins, antioxidants, and lipids. Serums have smaller molecules that penetrate deeper into the skin. That's why they are applied before a moisturizer. I like to mix 2-3 different type of serums together or layer them onto the skin. Serums can be used in the day and evening. Bioelements has a wonderful line of different type of serums.
Eye Creams-find a light weight eye cream that can be used in the day and night. For more mature skin, you may want something a little heavier at night only. Remember: hydrating formula!
Most of us use this on a daily basis but what is your current formula like. Is it a hydrating formula? Our skin changes, so what you used 3 years ago may not be the best for what your skin is going through right now or even last season. People with oily skin, yes you need to moisturize as well, if you don't your skin will overcompensate for the lack of hydration and your skin will produce more oil.
*You can find moisturizers that already have an SPF within the formula.
Sunscreens should be used by EVERYONE, and companies have so many different types that aren't heavy, and are oil-free so there's no excuse. I will be writing another blog about this area alone because I am passionate about it. Try using an SPF 15.
Here's a quick recap:
1. Use a cleanser
2. Toner
3. Serum & Eye Cream
4. Moisturizer & Sunscreen
1. EXFOLIATE. I have a Clarisonic brush that is gentle to use on a daily basis but I also have a product exfoliator that I use once a week to give a deeper cleanse but it's gentle.
2. Give yourself a STEAM TREATMENT. Use hot water, pour into a bowl, add 5 to 10 drops of essential oils into the bowl and drape a towel over your head, close your eyes and inhale the vapors. Oils like: Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Myrtle, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Spearmint, Spruce, and Tea Tree are great choices.
3. Use a MASK! A lot of people skip this step at home and this process is so beneficial for your skin. I have two that I alternate and sometimes depending on my skin I may combine. I have a gel hydrating mask and I have a clay based mask. The other great benefit is that you can use serums under your mask. Masks provide benefits like: drawing impurities out of the pores, tighten & toning the skin, HYDRATE, calm, soothe & rejuvenate the skin.
See an Esthetician and/or Dermatologist. Unless you have skin diseases, disorders, and conditions like rosacea, acne, eczema and etc you should always see a Dermatologist. Dermatologist treat disorders and diseases. Those who have acne, rosacea and sensitive skin can benefit from different treatments from an Esthetician. Estheticians see so many different types of skin types that they have a true understanding of how skin types work.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Every Day Makeup
I constantly come across women who claim that they either hate makeup or they don't like how it looks "caked" on or they like the "natural" look, the excuses and responses are endless. It isn't until I dig deeper by asking questions like what exactly don't they like about makeup, the answer usually comes down to them not knowing how to apply makeup. If makeup is caked on or looks to heavy, then yes there is too much on. This process does not have to be frustrating or scary.
There are so many different foundation and concealer formulas that aren't heavy at all. Many times the formula has nothing to do with the way your makeup looks, it can be the way that you have applied it. Having a heavy hand will ensure a cakey look. A little bit can go a long way, if you need more add a little bit at a time. Add foundation or concealer wherever you NEED it, not all over your face. Make sure you are blending so you're not creating a mask or patches of an uneven complexion. Only use powder where you need it and to set any foundation or concealer that you have used. Once again do not use it all over your face.
Another alternative is to mix a little bit of foundation into your moisturizer but a little trick I do is to use two different foundation colors. Depending on my mood or the way I want to look I may also add a little dab of liquid illuminator (has a little shimmer but not too much). Make sure your brows are groomed, if they need a little fill in you can use a pencil or you can use a tinted or clear brow shaper.
For the day time, use a liner that is darker than your eye color to make your eyes POP on the top. If you're not good at drawing a straight line, draw smaller lines along your lash line and connect them when you're done. Add a little mascara, only to the top of your lashes (I like using two different type of formulas).
For cheeks, you can either use a bronzer and/or blush. The bronzer will warm up your complexion and only apply it around your hairline, chin, underneath your cheekbones. Colors like pink and corals will instantly brighten your face. Choose a lip product, it can be a tinted lip balm, gloss, or lipstick.
So these are the steps:
1. Skincare is important: Cleanse, tone, moisturize, SPF is always last!!!
2. Spot concealer/foundation where needed.
3. Use powder sparingly, to set concealer/foundation.
4. Groom Brows
5. Use liner & add mascara
6. Bronzer & Blush
7. Lip product: Gloss, lipstick, or tinted balm
On any given day, you can bypass a step or two but never step #1. I hope that this help those of you who have a hard time with Makeup. Makeup is fun, and it's not a replacement for natural beauty only an enhancement.
There are so many different foundation and concealer formulas that aren't heavy at all. Many times the formula has nothing to do with the way your makeup looks, it can be the way that you have applied it. Having a heavy hand will ensure a cakey look. A little bit can go a long way, if you need more add a little bit at a time. Add foundation or concealer wherever you NEED it, not all over your face. Make sure you are blending so you're not creating a mask or patches of an uneven complexion. Only use powder where you need it and to set any foundation or concealer that you have used. Once again do not use it all over your face.
Another alternative is to mix a little bit of foundation into your moisturizer but a little trick I do is to use two different foundation colors. Depending on my mood or the way I want to look I may also add a little dab of liquid illuminator (has a little shimmer but not too much). Make sure your brows are groomed, if they need a little fill in you can use a pencil or you can use a tinted or clear brow shaper.
For the day time, use a liner that is darker than your eye color to make your eyes POP on the top. If you're not good at drawing a straight line, draw smaller lines along your lash line and connect them when you're done. Add a little mascara, only to the top of your lashes (I like using two different type of formulas).
For cheeks, you can either use a bronzer and/or blush. The bronzer will warm up your complexion and only apply it around your hairline, chin, underneath your cheekbones. Colors like pink and corals will instantly brighten your face. Choose a lip product, it can be a tinted lip balm, gloss, or lipstick.
So these are the steps:
1. Skincare is important: Cleanse, tone, moisturize, SPF is always last!!!
2. Spot concealer/foundation where needed.
3. Use powder sparingly, to set concealer/foundation.
4. Groom Brows
5. Use liner & add mascara
6. Bronzer & Blush
7. Lip product: Gloss, lipstick, or tinted balm
On any given day, you can bypass a step or two but never step #1. I hope that this help those of you who have a hard time with Makeup. Makeup is fun, and it's not a replacement for natural beauty only an enhancement.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes!
This movie was nothing but pure heart. I won't spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it but this is a must see movie and will be a great addition to anyone's DVD collection. John Lithgow's performance was superb to say the least but it was Andy Serkis who played the main chimp as Ceasar who stole the entire movie. His performance brings a whole other understanding when it comes to acting without verbal dialogue. There are some nice surprises in this film that will make the transition into the sequel seamless. Rupert Wyatt's vision for the prequel of this franchise was beautifully executed and the writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, created a powerful story full of characters that completely draws you into what is happening throughout the film.
I haven't seen the original Planet of the Apes from 1968 with Charlton Heston, and I can't remember all of Tim Burton's 2001 remake with Mark Wahlberg and I didn't see the T.V. shows either. With saying that, this movie is a great way to get acquainted with the brand.
Friday, July 22, 2011
2012 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim Wear in Miami!!!!
The backdrop to this amazing show was none other than Miami South Beach, Florida. Very different from where I'm currently living which is Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It was beautiful and hot but I enjoyed the pleasant breeze that the ocean brought, it reminded me a lot of Santa Monica, California.
I arrived in Miami on Thursday in the afternoon and stayed at the Marriot Biscayne Bay Hotel in Miami, which was a 10-15 minute drive across the bridge to South Beach. The hotel was beautiful and this was the view from my room:
That's my friend Maria Barreda, who also worked the show. Here's another photo from the balcony
The hotel had good food and our breakfast was included which saved us a pretty penny. After settling in we met most of the team for dinner that night for sushi! We worked on the Make Up For Ever team with James Vincent as the Key Makeup Artist. Other members included: Orlando Santiago, Bethany Townes, Stephanie Flor, Francisco Cathedral, Angelique Velez, Roshar, Mari Shten, and Maria Barreda. It was amazing and an honor to work with a group of talented artists. I worked five shows beginning with Beach Bunny Swimwear.
Here's the look that was created for this beautiful line:
Now, let me explain something. All Key Artists are not the same, when working for/with someone for the first time, they may not have you work on a full face first. And that's not to say that you aren't capable of doing so but it's wherever they need you at that time. Some may have you just clean brushes, do only lips, body makeup, etc. For this collection, Maria and I were responsible for the liner and lash applications. Doing this allowed for us as a team to be able to get the models done in a faster time frame.
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From left to right: Maria Barreda, Bethany Townes, ME, and Stephanie Flor. |
And here's the show:
The next day we did two designers. The first was Dolores Cortes, the look was colorful and vivid but lips were kept natural.
The second designer was Aqua Di Lara. The look was so beautiful with a sultry sexy edge. This was the show that I did a full face, and this was my beautiful model:
On my last day, which was Sunday. The team worked two designers:
The look for this show was very natural with gold, brown, and taupe colors.
The last designer I worked was Luxe by Lisa Vogel:
This is also the day that the weather acted out on the fashion world and started raining like cats and dogs. We were all thankful that the tent didn't cave in, although we did encounter a leak or two. The show went on as planned. Overall, I had an amazing time and experience. The models were nice, the team I was fortunate to be apart of was the BEST!!!! Mr. James Vincent was an AMAZING leader who I can't begin to thank enough.
Last but not least, if you're ever in Miami Beach, you MUST go to the Famous David's Cafe Cuban Cuisine. The food and flavor is so good, I went there twice once I tried the Churrasco, they have a small one called baby Churrasco and the next time I went I tried the Masas de Puerco which is marinated fried pork chunks, both were seasoned WELL!!! I hope you all have enjoyed my journey down memory lane.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
My Journey of Landing my 1st Make-up Job on a Movie Set!
That day seems so long ago, well it actually was, 10 years ago to be exact. My friend Tracy and I had done a couple of music videos, photo shoots, and a shoot for a hair magazine (which is another post all together). Around that time we had dabbled in makeup enough to pull off certain jobs but we didn't have any experience in the Film Industry. So our game plan was to submit ourselves as PA's (Production Assistants), which is basically running around and doing any and every thing. Such as getting coffee, running errands inside and outside of production, the possibilities are endless with that title. We figured we could at least learn proper movie set etiquette and build up a rapport with Producers, Directors, and other Makeup Artists.
We submitted to any and every movie on Craigslist, Backstage West, and other internet film job sites. When we got a call from a producer, who wanted to meet with us we were so excited! So we made the drive from Santa Monica, CA to the valley (North Hollywood), at that time it seemed far because when you drive on the 405 it usually takes forever no matter where you go. We arrived at a house, (which isn't uncommon for Independent Movies) gave each other a prep talk, grabbed our resumes and knocked on the door.
As we're interviewing with the producer, he gives us the word that we have the job. We started asking him questions about production and what positions he still needed to fill and he tells us that he hasn't filled the Makeup Artist position yet. We looked at each other and then at him, and at the same time blurted out, "We're Makeup Artists, we can do it"! He then asks us can we do Special Effects Makeup, we were honest and told him that we've never done it before but we assured him that we could handle what he was asking for the film. He asked for a couple of days to think about it, so we agreed and left the house.
Tracy and I talked in the car and we knew we didn't want to leave the decision up to him solely on just our word of being able to do Special Effects Makeup. We drove down to the popular bookstore "Samuel French" on Sunset Boulevard and purchased, "The Complete Make-Up Artist" by Penny Delamar. This book had instructions on how to do cuts, bruises, wounds, everything. We picked up Tracy's younger sister and started applying all of these cuts and bruises on her, and gave her a bloody lip. We called the producer on the phone and asked him could we stop by again to show him some of our work, and he agreed. Little did he know we were bringing an actual person, who by the way received many looks in the car because she looked like a battered and bruised woman. We get to the producer's house, knock on the door, he opens it and we do this hand gesture like ta-da! Like look at what we did. He bursts out laughing because he couldn't believe that we were so motivated to do all of this on the same day that we had just met him. He gave us the job on the spot! It was the best feeling in the world, we walked out of his house calmly and got into the car and screamed our heads off. And then the phone rings, it's the producer and he says "I can hear you screaming in your car". We apologized, hung up and drove off and continued to have our celebration.
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